Market Control Division

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Market Control Division: Overview 

The Market Control Division plays a vital role in the regulatory oversight of medical products  within the marketplace, ensuring compliance with safety, quality, and efficacy standards.  This division is tasked with overseeing the importation, distribution, and marketing of  medical products to protect public health by preventing the introduction and circulation of  substandard or falsified products. Through rigorous regulatory measures, comprehensive  surveillance, and collaboration with relevant stakeholders, the division ensures that only safe  and effective medical products are available in the market. 

Scope of the Market Control Division 

The Market Control Division's scope encompasses a wide range of responsibilities critical to  regulating medical products throughout their lifecycle, from import to distribution. Key areas  of focus include: 

1. Regulation of Import Activities: Overseeing the importation of medical products to  ensure that they meet national safety, quality, and regulatory standards. This process  is essential to prevent non-compliant products from entering the market. 

2. Prevention and Detection of Substandard and Falsified Medical Products:  Actively working to detect and prevent the introduction of substandard and falsified  medical products. This initiative aims to safeguard public health and ensure that only  legitimate, effective products are available for consumers. 

3. Collection of Import and Manufacturing Data: Collecting and analyzing  consignment-specific data on imported and manufactured medical products. This data  provides critical insights for assessing product quality and regulatory compliance. 

4. Market Surveillance Programme: Implementing a market surveillance program that  monitors the quality of medical products throughout the supply chain. The program is  designed to identify and mitigate risks to product safety and quality, ensuring  continuous compliance with established standards. 

5. Control of Promotional, Marketing, and Advertising Activities: Regulating the promotional, marketing, and advertising activities related to medical products through  an established Advertisement Committee. This ensures that promotional practices are  aligned with ethical standards and regulatory requirements. 

6. Oversight of Product Recalls: Managing and overseeing the recall of medical  products from both the private market and public sector. This oversight ensures that  unsafe, defective, or non-compliant products are efficiently removed to minimize  potential risks to public health. 

7. Post-Market Sampling and Quality Assurance: Jointly responsible with the  National Medicines Quality Assurance Laboratory (NMQAL) for post-market  sampling planning and execution. This includes sampling from both private and  public sectors to ensure ongoing product quality after market entry. 

8. Inspection of Good Distribution Practices (GDP): Initiating inspections to ensure  that distribution practices comply with Good Distribution Practices (GDP) standards. 

These inspections ensure that medical products are handled, stored, and transported in  ways that maintain product integrity and safety. 

9. Information Sharing and Public Engagement: Ensuring the effective dissemination  of regulatory information to patients, the public, and retail outlets. This promotes  transparency and provides stakeholders with critical information regarding medical  product safety, regulatory actions, and recall notices. 

The Market Control Division is committed to upholding the highest standards of public  health protection through comprehensive regulatory activities, vigilant monitoring, and  continuous collaboration with stakeholders in the healthcare sector. 

Application forms 

Submission of Import data / Manufacturing data of Pharmaceuticals

Destruction of local waste

Destruction of shipboard and air cargo waste

Technical Unit
Chemical Division
microbiology Division
Biology Division