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Regulatory Overview

“Cosmetics” means any substance or mixture of substances manufactured, sold or represented for use in cleaning, improving, or altering the complexion, skin, hair or teeth and includes deodorants, perfumes and cosmeceuticals.

Cosmetic Evaluation Sub Committee (CESC)
  • The Cosmetic Evaluation Sub Committee (CESC) will carry out the technical evaluation of products submitted for registration and assist the Authority to regulate and control all aspects pertaining to cosmetics.
  • The CESC meeting held once a month usually in every 4th Friday.

How to register your product

If the product is rejected, the market authorization holder will be able to appeal for registration.Documents for Obtaining Sample Import License

(Separate application should be submitted for different manufacturers).

Data Requirement for Preparation of Cosmetic Application for Registration

General documents / requirements

  • Fulfilled “Schedule I form A & B” application [75 KB]
  • Copy of sample import license.
  • Free sale certificate or certificate to foreign government issued from relevant health authority of country of origin or certified by Sri Lankan Embassy of country of origin or foreign affairs
  • Letter of authorization from the manufacturer appointing the Market Authorization Holder
  • Certificate of analysis report of final product.
  • Composition: the ingredient list by their chemical name with CAS number , function and include their exact quantities.
  • Fully packed samples (two) of cosmetics in the form that is intended to be marketed (including Lot no., Man. Date,, Manufacturer’s & Importers details)
    • Documents should be in English, in a legible font size, printed in one side A4 and submitted in a hard file cover, and all pages should be numbered from top to bottom and vice versa with an index.
    • Separate applications should be made in respect of each cosmetic to be registered. [i.e. products containing different colors, different brands etc.]. Products of foreign manufacturers should be submitted through a Marketing authorization Holder

*Applications made without these requirements will not be accepted.

Validity Period of Registration
  • The Provisional Registration for a period of one year (or two) will be issued for first time registration and is specified in the certificate.
  • The Full Registration of a product is valid for a period of five years and is specified in the certificate.
  • When additional data are requested, the applicant will have to furnish additional information requested by the authority within 3 months to facilitate further evaluation.
  • If the product is rejected, the market authorization holder will be able to appeal for registration.
Renewal of Registration
  • Application for renewal should be made before six months from the date of expiry of registration.
Flow Chart of Registration Process of Cosmetic is as Follows

Steps involved for registration of cosmetic
Obtaining sample import license
Submission of registration application

* “We are now in the process of revising the existing guidelines on regulation of cosmetics in Sri Lanka. To ensure the safety, quality and cost effectiveness of the cosmetics and to keep up with the existing guidelines in other countries of the region .We may ask you additional information during the process of registration  of cosmetics. Please bear with us”.

Approval of Manufacturing sites

Licensing of Local Manufacturing facilities

The process applies for local manufacturing sites who intended to get marketing authorization for their products in Sri Lanka. The procedure includes a desk review of essential documents including the site master file and several GMP Inspections.

A local manufacturer who wants to register products in Sri Lanka needs to furnish applications regarding his manufacturing facilities. A separate application needs to be submitted to each manufacturing site.

Application has to be submitted online via NMRA’s web portal eNMRA which requires uploading of essential information and documents to enable a desk review and GMP Inspections.

The NMRA Act, No. 5 of 2015 (section 51) & regulations 26 to 30 of part II of medicines regulations pronounce the legal requirements.

After these procedures, an approved Local manufacturer can submit application for formulation approvals.

After obtaining the formulation approval and GMP approval for commercial manufacturing of the facility, local manufacturer can apply for the product registration. After that, local manufacturer can apply for the manufacturing license.

Stages for beginners;
  1. Local manufacturer’s profile creation
  2. Approval of the proposed layout of the manufacturing plant
  3. Initial land inspection (optional)
  4. Approval for the formulations
  5. Initial building inspection -during the construction (Optional)Inspection of the plant before installing the manufacturing equipment and machineries after completion of construction of the building
  6. Application to request inspection of the plant after completion of the installment of manufacturing equipment and machineries including necessary qualifications (Complete SMF)
  7. Approval of the manufacturing facility (Licensing of manufacturing site)
  8. Inspection of the plant to get approval for commercial batch manufacturing (GMP Inspection)
  9. Application for GMP certificate (Optional)
  10. Application for product registration
  11. Application to get manufacturing licenses for individual products
  12. Application to get COPP/FSC (Optional)

Site Master Files

Site Master Files are submissions to NMRA used to provide confidential, detailed information about facilities, processes, or articles used in the manufacturing, processing, packaging, and storing of Medicines, Medical Devices, Borderline products and cosmetics.

Guidance for Site master Files
  • WHO guideline for drafting a site master file, Annex 14, WHO TRS No. 961, 2011
  • Explanatory notes for pharmaceutical manufacturers on the preparation of a site master file; PE 008 – 4, 1 January 2011, Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S)
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is that part of quality assurance which ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use and as required by the marketing authorization.

The National Medicines Regulatory Authority Act No. 5 of 2015 interprets GMP guidelines as ‘good manufacturing guidelines issued by the World Health Organization’. As such, the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) adopts the WHO GMP guidelines along with its subsequent updates for the purpose of regulation of pharmaceutical manufacture. The manufacturers are expected to adhere to the Good Manufacturing Practices throughout their activities.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers who intend to apply for marketing authorization in Sri Lanka may be subjected to one or several GMP inspections prior to their site approvals.

GMP Guidelines available on WHO website:

WHO good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles:

WHO good manufacturing practices for sterile pharmaceutical products:

WHO good manufacturing practices for biological products:


Guideline on Approval of an Overseas Manufacturing Plant of Medicines

Guideline on Preparation of Site Master Files

Guideline for preparation and conduct of the GMP inspection

Advertisements & Promotions

The Advertising Committee of the NMRA regulates advertisements - printed and electronic material - related to medicines, devices, borderline products and cosmetics to ensure such advertisements are ethical, accurate and appropriate.

Working definition & general rules

Advertisement includes any representation by any means whatsoever, for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the manufacture, sale or disposal of any medicine medical device, borderline product or cosmetic.

  • Any person who wishes to advertise or promote a medicine, medical device, borderline product and cosmetic should get prior written approval of the Authority to do so.
  • Medicines, medical devices, borderline products and cosmetic should not be advertised or promoted to the general public for the treatment, prevention or cure of any of the prescribed diseases, disorders or abnormal physical states.
Our Scope & Responsibility
  • Provide standards and general requirements that must be adhered to when producing commercials, infomercials and public service announcements, which are relevant to medicines, medical devices, borderline products and cosmetics.
  • Scrutinize each advertisement and ensure it complies with the advertisement guidelines that are published in the NMRA website before granting approval or rejecting an application.
  • Provide assistance to applicants regarding general interpretation of advertising guidelines related to medicines, medical devices, borderline products and cosmetics prior to advertise.
  • Copies of the advertisement
  • If submitted as print copies - 8 copies (e.g. newspaper ads, TV/radio commercial scripts)
  • For TV/radio commercials - 3 CD-ROMs
  • Applicants should consider the following when designing an advertisement:
  • Active Ingredient/s should be prominently mentioned. (Generic Name)
  • In the event of medicines, warning about over dosage
  • Any special warnings
  • Price of the product
  • Application for Advertising of Medicines, Medical devices, Borderline products and Cosmetics [ 111 KB ]

Guidance documents

Technical Unit
Chemical Division
microbiology Division
Biology Division

Cosmetic Evaluation Sub Committee (CESC)

Decision on Ingredients for Cosmetic Products
  1. Products contain more than 4% of glycolic acid will not be registered under cosmetic category.
  2. Limitations of Salicylic acid for cosmetic products
    • For purposes other than inhibiting the development of micro-organisms in the product / preservative :
      • Rinse -Off hair products - (a) 3.0%
      • Other products except body lotion, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, roll-on deodorant / non-spray deodorant - (b) 2.0%
      • Body lotion, eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, roll-on deodorant / non-spray deodorant & oral products - (c) 0.5%
      • (a) (b) (c) Not to be issued in preparations for children under 3 years of age. Not to be used in applications that may lead to exposure of the end-user's lungs by inhalation.
    • As a preservative :
      • Salicylic acid: 0.5%
      • Salicylic acid salts: 0.5 %(acid)
      • Salicylic acid: Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age. Not to be used in applications that may lead to exposure of the end-user's lungs by inhalation.
      • Salicylic acid salts: Not to be used in products for children under 3 years of age, except for shampoos.
  3. Products contain more than 5% of Urea acid will not be registered under cosmetic category.