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වෛද්‍ය නිෂ්පාදන ඇඟවීම 2020

UPDATE (of 1 July 2020) to Medical Product Alert n°5/2020

Medical Product Alert n°5/2020 Falsified and contaminated Defibrotide identified in the WHO regions of the Western Pacific, Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Americas

 Medical Product Alert n°5/2020

Falsified and contaminated Defibrotide identified in WHO regions of Western Pacific, Europe and Eastern Mediterranean


Several falsified in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) for SARS-CoV-2 in the context of COVID-19 testing

Medical Product Alert N°4/2020 UPDATE (of 9 June 2020)

Falsified chloroquine products circulating in the WHO regions of Africa and Europe

Medical Product Alert N°4/2020

Falsified chloroquine products circulating in the WHO region of Africa

Medical Product Alert N°3/2020

Falsified medical products, including in vitro diagnostics, that claim to prevent, detect, treat or cure COVID-19

Medical Product Alert N°2/2020

Falsified HIV rapid diagnostic test circulating in the WHO regions of the Americas and Africa(Updated Version)

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